Current Affairs>>3rd October Current Affairs>>World Farmed Animal Day is on October 2nd

World Farmed Animal Day is on October 2nd.

On October 2nd (Gandhi's birthday), World Day for Farmed Animals (WDFA) has provided an opportunity for people of conscience to memorialise and mourn these innocent lives.

World Farmed Animal Day 2nd October 2022:

Since 1983, the annual commemoration of World Day for Farmed Animals (WDFA) on October 2nd (Gandhi's birthday) has provided an opportunity for people of conscience to memorialise and mourn these innocent lives. The International Animal Welfare Organization, World Animal Protection, and the Asia for Animals coalition are organising the day to highlight the importance and urgency of farm animal welfare. The day is dedicated to drawing attention to the unnecessary suffering and death of farmed animals raised and slaughtered for food.

The Importance of World Farmed Animal Day in 2022

A chance to ask their friends and neighbours to stop funding senseless atrocities at the supermarket checkout counter. Every year, hundreds of groups and individuals from all over the world take part. In the world's factory farms, an estimated 70 billion cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and other sentient land-based animals are caged, crowded, deprived, drugged, mutilated, and macerated each year. They are then brutally slaughtered for our consumption. Countless aquatic animals are captured and suffocated by massive trawler nets so that we can eat our fish fillets or tuna salad.

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The following are the top five animal welfare concerns:

Factory farming: Thousands of animals are crammed into tiny spaces, unable to move or even turn around. This causes significant distress in the animals and leads to a variety of health issues.

Animal Cruelty: Animals raised for food are frequently subjected to cruel treatment, including beatings, strangulation, and electrocution.

Transport: Animals raised for food are typically transported over long distances in crowded trucks or ships, often in inclement weather. This can cause them a great deal of stress and, in some cases, result in injury or death.

Slaughter: For animals, the slaughter process is often stressful and painful. They are usually hung upside down with their throats slit while still conscious.

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Animal agriculture generates a massive amount of waste, including manure, blood, and feathers. This waste has the potential to pollute the environment and endanger human health.

Farm Animals Quotes:

* "Given the horrendous treatment of farm animals, the enormous environmental damage caused by animal agriculture, and the health risks associated with dairy products, eggs, and meat consumption, I can't understand why anyone would choose to eat those foods."

- Gordon Ehrman's

* "When I first became vegan, the alternatives left a lot to be desired, but now the alternatives taste so good that I can't imagine why anyone would resist making the switch."

-Midge Adler's

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Giunta, Deborah

* "No adjective adequately describes the suffering I've witnessed on the factory farms I've visited."

- Deborah Giunta's

* "Once you see for yourself the routine cruelty involved in raising animals for food, you'll understand why millions of compassionate people have chosen to forego eating meat."

- Alec Baldwin's

* "Factory farm owners believe that the less Americans know about what happens behind closed doors, the better for the industry." This is due to the fact that the animals sent through these factories frequently suffer unimaginable mistreatment and abuse."

- Editorial Board of the New York Times

* "There has never been a more pressing need to put an end to factory farming." It is the world's leading source of animal cruelty, the leading cause of extinction and species loss, and it accounts for nearly 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions."

- Lymbery, Philip

* "Animal agriculture's greenhouse gas footprint rivals that of every car, truck, bus, ship, aeroplane, and rocket ship combined...

* "There is no way to meet the Paris climate goals without drastically reducing the scale of animal agriculture."

- Environment Programme of the United Nations

* "Mother cows scream for days after their babies are taken away." It's one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever witnessed."

- Andrea Dowling's

* "If you are against eating veal because calves are slaughtered when they are only about four months old, you should also be against eating lambs, chickens, pigs, turkeys, and other farm animals because they are not allowed to live for much longer."

- Irene Collins's

* "Pigs, sheep, goats, and other farm animals deserve your concern just as much as cats and dogs." They are just as affectionate and playful, and in many cases, they are just as, if not more, intelligent."

- Susan Haft's

* "I'm curious how people would react if they saw dogs being treated like pigs on factory farms."

- Alexander Miller

* "Please explain why eating a pig is acceptable but not eating a dog. Are dogs smarter than humans? Do only they experience pain? Do pigs lack a desire to live? Do they lack emotions? I couldn't possibly eat either."

- Dennis Myers'

* "A close friend of mine recently acquired a pig as a pet." "I'm never going to eat bacon again..."

-Deborah Giunta's

* "I used to eat meat until I saw some of the younger animals playing together at a farm animal sanctuary." It was exactly like watching puppies play!"

– Michael Davidson

* "How can you be okay with eating something if you're not okay with how it was treated or killed?" Moby

– Moby

* "We simply do not require meat to survive." Millions of perfectly healthy vegetarians and vegans exist around the world. Since eating meat fulfils a desire rather than a need, how can we justify the horrific treatment of animals raised solely for it and the slaughter of their lives?"

- Diane Howe's

* "There are few things more revolting and shaming than the horrendous routine cruelty to ducks and geese that goes into the production of one of the world's so-called culinary delicacies — foie gras."

- Roger Moore's

* "Farm animals experience pleasure and sadness, joy and resentment, depression, fear, and pain." They are far more conscious and intelligent than we could have imagined. They are individuals in and of themselves."

-Jane Goodall's

* "What can you say about a society in which food production must be concealed from public view?" In which the factory farms and slaughterhouses that supply a large portion of our diet must be guarded like arsenals to keep us from seeing what goes on?"

-George Monbiot

* "I don't see a piece of meat when I look at a steak or hamburger on a plate." "I see the animal that was used to make the steak or hamburger."

- Alexander Miller

* "We'd all be vegetarian if slaughterhouses had glass walls."

- Paul McCartney's

* "Thousands of people who claim to love animals sit down once or twice a day to enjoy the flesh of creatures who have been utterly deprived of everything that could make their lives worth living and who have endured the horrifying suffering and terror of abattoirs."

- Jane Goodall's

* "As of today, I will no longer consume any animal products." Never again will a farm animal be sacrificed to keep me alive."

- Paul Taylor's

* "By rejecting the bloated and wasteful factory farming systems that endanger our planet's biodiversity and wildlife, we can feed an additional four billion people each year."

-  Philip Lymbery

*"A 10% reduction in meat consumption would result in approximately 12 million more tonnes of grain for human consumption." This additional grain could feed all of the humans who die of starvation around the world each year — approximately 60 million people."

-Marc Bekoff's

Cameron, James

*"Animal agriculture contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions due to the production of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides."

- Director James Cameron

*"Because of our insatiable appetite for meat, agribusiness can pay more (for land) than those who want to preserve or restore the forest." We are literally gambling with our planet's future — all for the sake of hamburgers."

- Singer, Peter

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