The World Trade Organization predicts a slowing of global trade growth

According to new WTO estimates, global merchandise trade volume growth will likely slow to 1% in 2023, down from the previous forecast of 3% in April this year.

The World Trade Organization predicts a slowing of global trade growth.

According to new WTO estimates, global merchandise trade volume growth will likely slow to 1% in 2023, down from the previous forecast of 3% in April this year. This is due to a combination of shocks, including the Ukraine war, high energy prices, inflation, and monetary tightening, according to the report.

From trade expansion to a slowdown:

While global trade in goods is expected to grow at 3.5 percent in 2022, up from 3 percent in April, momentum is expected to wane in the second half of 2023, according to the report. Exports are expected to slow in 2023 as import demand softens in major economies where growth is slowing for various reasons. "In Europe, high energy prices caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict will reduce household spending and raise manufacturing costs."

Monetary policy tightening in the United States will have an impact on interest-sensitive spending in areas such as housing, automobiles, and fixed investment, according to the WTO report. China's ongoing battle with COVID-19 outbreaks and production disruptions, combined with weak external demand, has been identified as a major factor contributing to trade growth slowing. The report warned that rising import bills for fuels, food, and fertilisers could lead to food insecurity and debt distress in developing countries.

Concerning India Exports fell in September:

Exporters in India are already feeling the effects of a slowing global demand. According to preliminary data released earlier this month by the Commerce Department, the country's exports fell 3.52 percent to $32.62 billion in September 2022, while the trade deficit increased to $26.72 billion. Although exports increased by 15.54 percent to $229.05 billion from April to September 2022-23, growth in July and August was marginal. According to the exporters' body FIEO, the decline in exports of engineering goods, apparel, and textiles was especially concerning because these sectors support a large number of jobs.

It is predicted:

According to the report, the WTO's current forecast of 3.5% growth in the volume of global merchandise trade in 2022 is slightly higher than the previous estimate of 3%, owing to statistical revisions and the availability of new data. The Middle East is expected to have the highest export growth of any WTO region this year (14.6%), followed by Africa (6%), North America (3.4%), Asia (2.9%), Europe (1.8%), and South America (1.6 per cent). In comparison, CIS exports are expected to fall 5.8 percent this year.

World Trade Organization Functions

The following are some of the most important functions of the WTO:

To provide services for the implementation, administration, and operation of WTO and multilateral agreements.
To serve as a discussion forum for members on any future trade and tariff issues.
Administering rules and procedures pertaining to dispute resolution.

Enforcing the business policy review process's rules and provisions.
To work with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to achieve greater harmony in global economic policymaking and to make the best use of global resources.


The World Trade Organization and its agreements will have an impact on all economic activities, whether agriculture, trade services, or manufacturing. Those countries will benefit more from the WTO arrangement, allowing them to be more diplomatic in the ongoing negotiations. Governments that stay in touch with their industries and affected groups will find it easier to know what and how to negotiate in multi-purpose negotiations. The existence of the WTO has not only strengthened but also provided a strong legal framework for ideologies advocating economic liberalisation and internationalisation. It has become impossible for nations to deviate from these ideologies. Countries that have recognised its significance have advanced quickly in international competition and emerged victorious. Nations that are still debating this are doing neither their industries nor their country any favours.

Despite being extremely beneficial to the global community, the WTO has yet to reach its goal. There could be numerous reasons for the failure; however, without a solution, this organisation cannot reach a conclusion.

WTO headquarters

Geneva, Switzerland, where the WTO headquarters are located, is a one-of-a-kind city, home to many United Nations and other international organisations, as well as WTO missions. The Center William Rappard (CWR) is the name of the building that has housed the WTO Secretariat since the organization's inception in 1995.

Is India a member of the World Trade Organization?

India has been a member of the WTO since January 1, 1995, and of GATT since July 8, 1948.

How many members will there be in the WTO in 2022?

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organisation with 164 member countries that deals with global trade rules.

Who is the most recent WTO member? 

Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country with a population of approximately 6.2 million people, is the last of the former Soviet republics to apply for WTO membership.

Who is the WTO's 164th member?

Afghanistan became the WTO's 164th member on July 29, 2016, after 12 years of negotiations.

Read this:- 5 October GK

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